We know that all change must start with ourselves. Prayer creates change. May is a month when we think of our Blessed Mother, Mary! Starting May 1st, we are “kicking off” a month long event dedicated to our Blessed Mother knowing that all we ask will be granted through her intercession. Mary is locked behind the gates of St. Joachim but we are closer to her than ever. Pope Francis has a special devotion to “Mary, Undoer of Knots” and we will ask her to help us “Undo Our Knots”. Let us ask Mary to help us change those things in our lives that need changing and allow us to inspire others with our devotion. Please say a rosary every day and then visit our form to add your name and the number of rosaries you’ve said. Anyone who says at least 20 rosaries during this month and records it on our form, will receive a holy card and a card listing the 15 Promises for those who recite the Rosary (see below). Once you say your 20 rosaries, please email me at [email protected] with your mailing address and we will send you your gifts.

Mary, Undoer of Knots

15 Promises of Mary
Perhaps it has been a while since you’ve prayed the Rosary. Please check out this link about how to pray the Rosary and what mysteries are said on what day. You may want to also read about Pope Francis and his devotion to Mary, Undoer of Knots.
Here is the form where you will enter your name, the date and the number of rosaries you’ve said on that day. Scroll down and click “Submit” to record your responses. God bless you and God bless us all!