Where else to find us.

The fight to keep the faith in Frankford has stretched out to Twitter, Instagram and other social media sites!!! If you are on any of these sites feel free to take part as the effort grows.

For Twitter search on and use the main hashtag of #fkdfaithful to make your comments or to find out what others have already posted.

We are also posting images to Instagram and for that we have multiple tags. We are using the same #fkdfaithful for all images but we can also tag them with as much description as possible. This helps to reach a wider audience. For example, you can use #stjoachimphila, #materdolorsaphila, #catholic, #philadelphia, #church, etc. Remember, the more descriptive the wider the audience.

Our Facebook groups have been flooded with new members. Be sure to look for us there if you haven’t already click and visit here!!!!

And as always remember the site to sign the petition to keep the faith in Frankford. Every signature helps!!! Click here to sign the petition.